Albert Telese, Jordi Llorens &
Ulrike Voigt, 2012. Associació Catalana de Ceràmica.
The new work by these
prestigious authors represents a major contribution to the knowledge of Catalan
ceramics between 1533 and 1863. It is based on a compilation of 112 pieces of different shapes as well as tiles which bear the date of their manufacture. They have been located through
extensive search and investigations in museums, private collections and in
previous publications.
The objects are presented chronologically, each carries a dossier file with
details and ample explanations of the item and, very importantly, present
similar pieces that are already known but could not be dated exactly up to now. It is a rigorous and practical book that helps us
to better pinpoint the time span of the "series" of ceramics and the
varying decorative styles which are the main instruments for identification.